Expert insight on nearsighted, farsighted and blurry vision

July 22, 2014

Blurred vision is not always an indication of something serious.
Do you have fuzzy vision but have never needed glasses? Look at how your lifestyle or environment may be influencing your eyesight before takingan appointment withan optometrist or ophthalmologist.

Expert insight on nearsighted, farsighted and blurry vision

Gradual vision problems


If gradually, over the last few months, you’ve noticed that street signs seem harder to read, you squint to see more clearly, or the television appears fuzzy, it may be a sign of early myopia.

Myopia can happen at any age. If it’s genetic, it will become apparent as early as childhood or adolescence.On the other hand, your vision problems may be related to an unhealthy lifestyle. Spending a significant amount of time every day focusing on your computer screen at work or playing video games for hours on end is a terrible strain on your eyes.

Excessive reading can also contribute to a myopic condition.In this case, you’ll need an eye exam and prescription lenses for glasses.


If you have the same basic symptoms, but also have trouble seeing close-up, it may be the effects ofpresbyopia. Diminished eyesight often becomes noticeable between the ages of 40 and 50, as the len loses its ability to focus due to aging.People who suffer frompresbyopianeed to move away from close objects in order to see them better. Generally speaking, thisiscorrected by reading glasses.

Sudden vision problems

Did you wake up this morning with sudden vision impairment and trouble seeing out of one or both eyes? You must consult a medical professional for evaluation, as this may be a sign of acute illness. Possible ailments related to sudden vision loss include, but are not limited to:

  • Diabetes
  • Cataracts
  • Trauma, infection, or ocular disease
  • Stroke (if vision problemsareaccompaniedbydifficulty speaking or walking, go to the emergency room immediately)

Not to be confused with double vision

Diplopia, commonly known as double vision, is not the same as blurred vision. Blurred vision is a single image that appears unclear, while double vision is a refractive defect in which an object is split in two.This is treated with eyeexercises (physiotherapy), or surgery. If you are seeing double, consult a doctor to find the underlying cause.

The mechanics of eyes are as sophisticated as they are fragile. Qualified optometrists are looking out for your vision somake an appointmentto discuss any issues you have without delay.

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