3 easy door repairs

September 23, 2015

This can be a thankless task because some door problems take a good deal of time to fix even if they do not seem major. Check out these tips to help with any door repair project.

3 easy door repairs

Shimming out a hinge

If the door itself is twisted or warped, or if the door is structurally unsound, the best solution usually is to install a new one, and often a new prehung door frame as well. This often requires advanced carpentry skills for which you may choose to hire an expert. However, there are some minor door repairs that most homeowners can do themselves.

If the door is warped at the top or bottom, or if the hinge is set too deeply in the frame so as to cause the door to bind, you can shim the hinge.

  • First, support the door by pushing some pieces of wood, books or other objects under the bottom edge at two points so it will not move once the hinge is disengaged.
  • Remove the frame side of the hinge.
  • Cut one or more pieces of cardboard to fit in the mortise (the cavity into which the hinge half is seated).
  • When the hinge is perfectly flush with the door, reattach the hinge. You may need to make several attempts before you get the hinge positioned just right.
  • Once you shim the hinge out, you will have moved the door in the direction of the latch jamb, so you might need to sand or plane the other side of the door to achieve a proper fit.

Tightening hinge screws

If a hinge is loose, its screws need tightening. You can do this without removing the hinge.

  • Take out one or two screws at a time, and plug their holes with wood. You can use a golf tee, toothpicks, wooden matchsticks, cut pieces of shim — anything that will fit.
  • Tap the wood in with a hammer until it is flush.
  • Drive the screws back into place.
  • If a screw isn't tight, take it out and add more wood to the hole.

Loosening a sticky door lock

A stubborn or sticky lock can often be eased by rubbing the edges of its key with a soft-lead pencil, thus transferring graphite onto the key.

  • Work the key gently into the lock, moving it in and out to loosen the graphite into the works.
  • Another option is to squeeze powdered graphite (available in a tube at hardware stores and home centres) into the keyhole.
  • Do not use lubricating oil, which over time can make a dirty lock even dirtier and more difficult to operate.

Door repairs are an important part of keeping up your household. These simple tips will help any amateur handy-man with basic door repair projects. Review this guide to make sure your doors are smooth and structurally sound.

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