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YP Canada offers complete contact listings for in and around the Queenston, Ontario area. With the most comprehensive database of businesses you can find in Canada, Yellow is your first choice for search. If you live in or near Queenston, discover the best independently reviewed products and services by your home, with Yellow Pages Canada.
Ah, the life of a food critic. At year's end, while others frantically try to figure out what to wear and where to party for the festive season, I sift through a truckload of menu memories to see which select few will make the cut for our annual guide to the Top 11 restaurants of 2011. In some cases it was pretty close, but in the end only 11 made the list.
This year, instead of going to your usual spot, try something completely different.Here are my top 5 choices for your not-so-typical Easter dining this weekend:
Whether you're heading out for a day of shopping the sales or you're spending a quiet day at home, one way or another, you're going to be hungry.Many restaurants are open on December 26th including the following establishments: